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Lovely Golden Retriever puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

golden retriever pups I’m so pleased to announce the safe arrival of our beautiful girls first litter of golden retriever pups ,both mum and puppies are doing great. Only 3boys and 3 girl now available. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

golden retriever pups I’m so pleased to announce the safe arrival of our beautiful girls first litter of golden retriever pups ,both mum and puppies are doing great. Only 3boys and 3 girl now available. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

Adorable English Bulldog puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

English Bulldog Puppy for Rehoming It will come with full registration and be up to date on recordings and worming everyone. They will also come with a vet check and health certificate and their claws will be clipped. All were examined, vaccinated and black. They are raised in our home a lot of attention.. For more details please Contact me on ....


PSČ: 10000

English Bulldog Puppy for Rehoming It will come with full registration and be up to date on recordings and worming everyone. They will also come with a vet check and health certificate and their claws will be clipped. All were examined, vaccinated and black. They are raised in our home a lot of attention.. For more details please Contact me on ....

Beautifull Sibarian Husky puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

Sibarian Husky Puppy for Adoption, up to date on all shots and dewormers. And they are very healthy puppies and very playful with children they are good to go now to a new home. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

Sibarian Husky Puppy for Adoption, up to date on all shots and dewormers. And they are very healthy puppies and very playful with children they are good to go now to a new home. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

Charming Poodle puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

A stunning litter of Poodle puppies and Dad is a pedigree Toy Poodle. he will be vet checked, microchipped and have his first injection. These dogs do not shed so they are perfect for people with allergies. They love kisses and cuddles and are raised in a family home with other pets and children. For more details please ....


PSČ: 25065

A stunning litter of Poodle puppies and Dad is a pedigree Toy Poodle. he will be vet checked, microchipped and have his first injection. These dogs do not shed so they are perfect for people with allergies. They love kisses and cuddles and are raised in a family home with other pets and children. For more details please ....

Lovely Pomsky puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

Pomsky Puppy for Adoption and All Are puppies were examined, sharp, microchipped, and after the first vaccination, the mother was vaccinated for free. Free monthly free insurance included. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

Pomsky Puppy for Adoption and All Are puppies were examined, sharp, microchipped, and after the first vaccination, the mother was vaccinated for free. Free monthly free insurance included. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

amazing Akita puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

An amazing litter of puppies, mother and father, both full Akitas and can be seen. Dad is a big Akita with long hair, and Mom is short haired. Both parents are pets, they get along great with other dogs and small children. they come with the first vaccination, microchip and vet checked. which has 2 males available. For more details please ....


PSČ: 10000

An amazing litter of puppies, mother and father, both full Akitas and can be seen. Dad is a big Akita with long hair, and Mom is short haired. Both parents are pets, they get along great with other dogs and small children. they come with the first vaccination, microchip and vet checked. which has 2 males available. For more details please ....

Beautifull Cavapoo puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

Cavapoo Puppy for Adoption, These two are with beautiful markings. These puppies were raised in my family home with the round-the-clock attention of both my children. They are used to children_s and household noise and are very socialized. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

Cavapoo Puppy for Adoption, These two are with beautiful markings. These puppies were raised in my family home with the round-the-clock attention of both my children. They are used to children_s and household noise and are very socialized. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

Lovely Samoyed puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

we have very neat and healthy male and female Samoyed puppies. they are 11 weeks and very playful. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

we have very neat and healthy male and female Samoyed puppies. they are 11 weeks and very playful. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

Beautifull German Shephared puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

German Shephared Puppy for Adoption and available to good homes, both male and female are house trained and used to children. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

German Shephared Puppy for Adoption and available to good homes, both male and female are house trained and used to children. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

Stunning Maltipoo puppy Available For Adoption.

[20. 07. 2023]

Maltipoo Puppy for Adoption. Our beautiful fox red poodle gave birth to 7 beautiful little maltipoo babies, 3 girls and 4 boys. All gorgoues balls of fluffy joy. You can choose between red apricot and champagne. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098


PSČ: 10000

Maltipoo Puppy for Adoption. Our beautiful fox red poodle gave birth to 7 beautiful little maltipoo babies, 3 girls and 4 boys. All gorgoues balls of fluffy joy. You can choose between red apricot and champagne. For more details please Contact me on my... Whatsapp..+37063991209 Viber..+447535272098

ChS Demabo nabízí poslední štěňátka Bobtaila

[16. 07. 2023]

Chovatelská stanice Demabo (www.demabo.cz) nabízí 2 poslední vymazlená štěňátka - pejsky Bobtaila s PP, ihned k odběru. Narodilo se 9 štěňat, 8.5.23. Medvídci, kteří se rádi mazlí a milují děti. Po výstavně úspěšných rodičích. Chovatelský servis samozřejmostí. Odčervováni, naočkováni, s čipem včetně EU pasu.


PSČ: 27326

Chovatelská stanice Demabo (www.demabo.cz) nabízí 2 poslední vymazlená štěňátka - pejsky Bobtaila s PP, ihned k odběru. Narodilo se 9 štěňat, 8.5.23. Medvídci, kteří se rádi mazlí a milují děti. Po výstavně úspěšných rodičích. Chovatelský servis samozřejmostí. Odčervováni, naočkováni, s čipem včetně EU pasu.

Anglický bulteriér - k rezervaci štěňátka s PP

[12. 07. 2023]

CHS z Halašova nabízí k rezervaci štěňátka ze zahraničního krytí: Dorian Remerbull x Andělka Paběnický Bull, oba jsou plně zdravotně testovaní a mají přátelskou a vyrovnanou povahu. Štěňátka jsou odchovávaná v domácnosti a budou plně socializovaná, budou také očkovaná, odčervená a očipovaná a samozřejmostí je test sluchu Baer a Pet pas. Do začátku dostanou ....


PSČ: 54931

CHS z Halašova nabízí k rezervaci štěňátka ze zahraničního krytí: Dorian Remerbull x Andělka Paběnický Bull, oba jsou plně zdravotně testovaní a mají přátelskou a vyrovnanou povahu. Štěňátka jsou odchovávaná v domácnosti a budou plně socializovaná, budou také očkovaná, odčervená a očipovaná a samozřejmostí je test sluchu Baer a Pet pas. Do začátku dostanou ....

Koupim pentabatbital

[12. 07. 2023]

Koupim nombutal tablety


PSČ: 18600

Koupim nombutal tablety

Entlebušský salašnícky pes

[06. 07. 2023]

Chovateľská stanica Balihara Ranch FCI s tradíciou chovu Entlebušského salašníckeho psa od roku 1995 zadá krásne šteniatka s PP po rodičoch šampiónoch, plne zdravotne vyšetrených na PRA, očné testy, HD, ED a OCD, PL 0/0, ektopický ureter . Otcom je skoro 10 ročný Multi CH. BART from Walth Island, psík v plnom zdraví, Veteran CHampion, Victory Veteran ....
21 325 Kč


PSČ: 60200

Chovateľská stanica Balihara Ranch FCI s tradíciou chovu Entlebušského salašníckeho psa od roku 1995 zadá krásne šteniatka s PP po rodičoch šampiónoch, plne zdravotne vyšetrených na PRA, očné testy, HD, ED a OCD, PL 0/0, ektopický ureter . Otcom je skoro 10 ročný Multi CH. BART from Walth Island, psík v plnom zdraví, Veteran CHampion, Victory Veteran ....

1 ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ... 366

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